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Sponsor A Furever Foster Today!

Your donations will go towards the care of pugs who cannot be adopted out due to their medical needs.

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Furever Fosters

On occasion, some of our pugs come into the rescue with terminal illness, constant medical needs or have special emotional needs. These dogs are considered unadoptable, yet they are still able to live with a good quality of life. For these dogs, our foster families commit to a lifetime of love and care for the time they have left, and Pacific Pug Rescue provides food, supplies and medical treatment for each dog in the Furever Foster program. Our only funding for this program comes from donations and sponsorships. We rely heavily on our supporters to help us continue to help these sweet seniors live a full, happy comfortable life.

We appreciate your consideration of sponsoring these sweet seniors. For sponsors who choose no end date or those choose to sponsor for at least three months, we are happy to add your name to our list of sponsors. For business or corporate sponsorships, please email us directly at fureverfosters@pacificpugrescue.org so we can appropriately acknowledge your support!

Scroll down to meet our current Furever Fosters and thank you!

If you have any questions about our Furever Fosters or sponsorship program, please email us at adoptions@pacificpugrescue.org


Sex: Female
Age: 13yrs

In the last report, Molly had a tumor on the outside of her nostril that was growing rapidly. Fortunately

it was benign and she was able to have it removed by laser in an amazing procedure. She has a little

bigger nostril now on that side but all the better to breathe with she says.

Health issues continue to annoy her. She would love to run if it weren’t for the darn arthritis. Her many

years of irritating allergies are flaring up now that the weather is nice and she is outside more. Recently

she has developed increased liver enzymes although she herself hasn’t noticed. She had a dental and

lost all but 4 of her last remaining teeth, but that feels much better and doesn’t slow her down when it

comes to eating.

Molly is enjoying summer sunbathing on the patio. Her favorite thing (other than food) is her daily walk.

Even if it is almost bedtime, she will sit and stare at her foster mom until they work her walk into the

day. She’s not the fastest pug in the world and every inch of the walk has to be carefully sniffed, so even

going a short distance can take quite a while. She never understands why every person and dog along

the way won’t stop to say hello, but she enjoys when they do. She loves hugs and snuggles.


Sex: Male
Age: 7yrs

Adorable Diego traveled to Oregon from Mexico in November, 2021 through an organization that rescues street dogs. He suffered from hip and patella deformities that greatly impacted his comfort and ability to live an active life of fun and frolic expected at his approximately 3 year age. Pacific Pug Rescue took him into care so he could receive the necessary medical care to correct his issues to ensure a happy, healthy life in a loving home as he so deserved. He had bilateral MPL surgery in January and began the long process of recovery and healing. He received wonderful rehab services though HealingArts Animal Care and made a full recovery.
The blood panel taken prior to his dental cleaning and removal of decaying teeth indicated a concern regarding his kidneys. Sadly, further testing revealed chronic kidney failure which will dramatically reduce this sweet baby boy’s little life. Therefore, Diego will remain in his foster home where he is cherished and will continue to receive PPR’s support and expertise.
At this time, Diego is not experiencing negative symptoms and is soaking up life as part of a family of dogs, cats, and people who love him. He is filled with joy and excitement when his harness comes out for his daily walk through the neighborhood where he is becoming well known. He is playful and loves his stuffies (especially the sheep that is bigger than him!), is silly and curious, and is a champion snuggler who loves to burrow in a pile of soft, fuzzy blankets. Diego is looking forward to a summer of warm weather and new adventures.


Sex: Female
Age: 13

13 year old Mimi came to us when her elderly owner got dementia and could no longer care for her. Unfortunately she had not received any vet care for a very long time and had 7 mast cell tumors that we had to remove. Sadly one of them was found to be an aggressive stage 3 tumor. Mimi also suffers from Pug Myelopathy and is slowly using the use of her rear legs. None of this stops her however, she is a energetic happy girl that likes to be on the move! Mimi likes being close to her family, napping and snacking...just like all pugs!


Sex: Female
Age: 12

Myrtle came to us when her elderly owner was no longer able to care for her. She had not received vet care for a very long time and had such severe dental disease she could barely eat. In addition she had a very large mammary tumor.

Myrtle had a dental surgery emergently and then several weeks later had her large tumor removed. The tumor was found to be cancerous but fortunately was completely excised. Myrtle's labs showed minor changes to her kidney values and a follow up lab after her surgeries were done, confirmed that she was suffering from early kidney disease and high blood pressure.

We made the decision to keep Myrtle in our Forever Foster program because of her age and multiple health issues. We will make sure she gets the best care and hope to have her around for a long time!